For More
NICTBB Office Location
Extelecoms Building/ Ground Floor
Kaluta/ Bridge Street
P.O. Box 9070
Dar es salaam
Tel No: 255 22 2123838
Fax: 255 22 2123879
Email: sales@nictbb.co.tz |
& Services |
NICTBB is selling its capacity Services
either on an Indefeasible Rights of
Use (IRU) or on short term Lease basis.
An IRU is offered in 10, 15 or 20
years and is particularly suited to
large operators with long term bandwidth
requirements that have the capital
to take advantage of volume discounts.
The Short term Lease offer customers
more flexibility , customers can be
taken over shorter periods of 0ne
or three year and the cost is spread
over the lease period, avoiding upfront
capital expense. |